
Changelog 1.0.0 - 28/06/2024

Build Version June 28, 2024


  • 🏥 Ambulance Station in Morning Woods: Expanded emergency services with a new station strategically located in Morning Woods, enhancing response times and coverage across the district.

  • 🚑 Brand New Ambulance Fleet: Introduced a modern fleet including Ambulance and First Response vehicles equipped with advanced medical equipment, aimed at improving emergency medical services within the city.

  • 🔫 ARU (Armed Response Unit) Interior: Designed a specialized interior for the ARU, providing a dedicated space for tactical police operations and ensuring readiness for high-risk situations.

  • 🚁 NPAS (National Police Air Service) Interior: Implemented a state-of-the-art interior for the NPAS, facilitating efficient aerial law enforcement operations and enhancing surveillance capabilities across DistrictVRP.

  • 🍔 New Fast-Food Restaurants - Kings Chicken: Introduced two new dining options, Kings Chicken, catering to residents and visitors with a variety of quick and tasty meal choices.

  • 🚧 Enhanced Traffic Control with New Bollards: Installed new bollards designed to improve traffic flow and enhance pedestrian safety around business areas, promoting a smoother urban environment.

  • 🎨 Optional New Rims Pack (Client Mod): Added a customizable Rims Pack as an optional client mod, allowing players to personalize vehicle aesthetics according to their preferences.

  • 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ New Paramedic Uniforms: Introduced updated Paramedic Uniforms for both male and female characters, ensuring a professional appearance and uniformity within emergency medical services.

  • 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️ New Police Uniforms: Implemented new Police Uniforms for male and female officers, enhancing the visual identity and professionalism of law enforcement personnel across DistrictVRP.

  • 👗 Brand New Clothing Store Interior: Expanded the shopping experience with a new Clothing Store interior, offering a diverse selection of fashionable attire for players to customize their characters.

  • 🏪 Enhanced Convenience with 24/7 Store Interior: Improved accessibility with a newly designed 24/7 store interior, providing a wide range of essential items and services for players' convenience.

  • DP (Del Perro) Petrol Station in Sandy Shores: Established a new DP petrol station in Sandy Shores, ensuring convenient access to fuel resources in remote areas of DistrictVRP.

  • 🖥️ Updated Minimalistic HUD: Implemented a redesigned, minimalistic Heads-Up Display (HUD) interface, optimizing information display for a more intuitive and immersive gameplay experience.

  • 🔄 New Loading Screen with Enhanced Information: Launched a new loading screen featuring updated tips and essential server information, improving user engagement and providing informative content during loading times.

  • 🚌 Immersive Bus Job Experience: Introduced a new immersive Bus Job, offering players engaging opportunities to operate public transport vehicles and contribute to the city's transportation system.